News / COVID19 Udbrud og lockdown – Shenzhen & Shanghai

COVID19 Udbrud og lockdown – Shenzhen & Shanghai

COVID19 udbrud og lockdown – Shenzhen

Hermed forløbig update, kontakt os på 88737313 eller for mere info.


“As per the latest instruction from the Shenzhen government due to the COVID control.

The city of Shenzhen is going to have a complete lockdown for seven days (effective March 14 – 21). All companies are required to WFH during the mentioned period (including ECU Worldwide Shenzhen). Meantime, the warehouses (including Sinotrans / Pedder / JYD) would follow the instruction from the local government and stop the operation.

For the same reason, there will NOT be any LCL activity (including cargo receiving, cargo loading) during the mentioned period. Tentatively, the lockdown will be completed on 21st and we do expect the operation will be resumed 100% on March 22nd. Once we will keep everyone updated if there is any.

If everything goes well on March 22, we will arrange to below sailing.

POL                 POD              Vessel                          CFS CUT            YTN ETD
Shenzhen         Aarhus     HMM RAON 004W        3/25                    4/5

Alternative routes are possible via Guangzhou and/or Hong Kong.”

COVID19 udbrud og lockdown – Shanghai

Hermed forløbig update, kontakt os på 88737313 eller for mere info.


*Due to COVID-19 outbreak , we are unable to arrange pickup as normal, all shipments need to be confirmed case by case including rate & pickup date .
We are afraid that we cannot promise anything for the moment.

The situation we introduce is a general challenge for the time being, while we wound try our best to overcome all the difficulties for our consols.
Our cfs is still open to receive cargo, and for cargo list, each OP will send to you

Sorry to adv due to the covid situation in Shanghai, the entire city is almost lockdown. Same as Shenzhen.
We hv already delivered all the containers on hand to the terminal if cargo ready, customs all cleared.

The situation is changing daily, everyday 20+ of our staff got lockdown at home for 14 days

Shops all closed, people are not allowed to leave home. Even no courier delivery.
The government lockdown areas one by one

The situation might wud last till end of this month.*

ALLE andre POL kører uændret

Tjek en af vores andre POL, som alle kører uændret.
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