News / Snöstorm över USA´s östkust

Snöstorm över USA´s östkust

Snöstorm över USA´s östkust

En snöstorm har under de senaste dagarna drabbat USA´s östkust kraftigt. Pga den stora mängden snö som fallit, påverkas hamnområden samt terminal, tåg och åkeriverksamheter i området av förseningar.

Last som routas via New York samt evt Chicago, förväntas i dagsläget att drabbas av några dagars försening. Nordicons personal är i ständig kontakt med vår agent Carotrans och kommer att hålla de kunder som berörs uppdaterade, men tveka inte att kontakta oss om ni har några frågor eller funderingar.

Nordicons agent Carotrans meddelar:

“The storm system that hit the Midwest last week has worked it’s way to the North East. Snow started falling on Sunday and is expected to continue straight through to Tuesday afternoon. Some areas are getting well over 2 feet of snow.
Our LTL , Local & Truck load providers have all shut down operations for today and also expect them to be closed on Tuesday the 2nd . There will be no Import pickups & deliveries and also no Export pickups and deliveries during this weather event. If you had pickups for today Mon 2/1 we will be rolling them for pickups when the carriers advise they can schedule.

The states of PA, NJ, & NY for have declared a State of Emergency, they are mandating that all non essential personnel stay home and off the roadways.
Our local carriers have advised they will be closed on Tuesday 2/2 as they will need to get dug out and operational for Wednesday 2/3.  
The TMS Team is operational and working remotely.
Be safe & be well.”